Past days

In the picture below, Student’s union of Darbhanga Medical College of 1946, Dr. Dilip was General Secretary of Students Union and he standing behind English Principal Col. Dr. Curran.

As a student of Patna Medical College from 1948 to 1952, Dr. Dilip was associated with a british judge Justice Shierer (with whom we can see below in picture). As Justice Shierer was renowned British Lawyer and Indian Law was guided by British Law, Justice Shierer was requested to stay in India for few years after Indian Independence in 1947.

As there was no electricity, no pukka road in Pirapinti from 1952 to 1968, Dr. Dilip had to go different villages to treat patients on horseback and a person accompanying him with a bag of medicines to be dispensed to the ailing patients. In 19centeury doctors in U.K. & U.S.A use to go in different villages on horse back along with a bag of medicine to treat patients at there home.